Friday, August 1, 2008

Christians seeking marriage partners - definitely look online at Christian Internet Dating sites

Any Christian who reads their Bible knows from Genesis that it is God's best and God's intention for us to marry and to marry ANOTHER Christian. But if you are anything like me, indeed, there are not always a lot of other single Christians in your specific church.

In fact, the church to which I belonged about 5 years ago, I used to joke, "Yes! there ARE single Christian men here. TWO of them! and one is my brother!" yes, my biological brother.

What are we to do? Indeed, check out my Internet Dating Sites Guide. Within it I also have a number of Christian Internet Dating sites which I hope will bless you in your quest for love online.

internet dating sites, online dating sites

When you are going to meet, you'll want to be sure to check out some ideas about How to Flirt and Body Language Flirting.

Enjoy and God bless!

April Braswell

1 comment: said...

Good article keep posting this type of articles..............