Monday, May 27, 2019

Keep Your Christian Dating Pipeline Full!

The same dating advice and guidance here is for Christian Singles, too!

How Land a Long Term Relationship After 35

Ladies, get OUT and meet more men.  This is best way actually to GET MORE DATES.

How many men did you flirt with this week?
How many men did you speak with this week?
In line at Starbucks?

Or were you too aloof to notice Mr. Financial District next to you?
Too snobby to chat up Mr. Blue Collar ordering the Grande Drip, black?
I date a LOT because I make an effort to meet a lot of men.
I also REALLY LIKE men.
I feel they can FEEL that about me.

I appreciate them.  I admire them.  And I am very accepting of them that they are very visually stimulated and think about sex every 3.7 nano seconds.  Wow!  Aren’t you grateful that they do that?  It just means they think about it more than you do, and I am SO glad that they ARE thinking about it more than I.  Or things would just be too, too, too terribly embarrassing, n’est pas?

How about yourself?  Do you really LIKE men?  Sure, you’re heterosexual (if you made it this far through my website, I’m just going out on a limb here that THAT is the case…..).  You are sexually and romantically attracted to men.  But do you really LIKE them?

Check your thinking.

Do you catch yourself thinking to yourself or saying to your GFs, “Ugh!  Men are such Jerks!”  Or “Ogh!  Men are such idiots.”  Mhmm.  Of course they can be.  And I can be a bitch and a shrew, thank you, but I’m hoping it’s not your predominate thought about me.

I want you to do me a favor and start saying to yourself every morning while you are happily brushing and flossing your teeth (you are flossing, right?  Be YOUR Best YOU!  Flossing is part of it.  Uh huh. OK, we’re good.), “MEN are WONDERFUL!”  Say it.  MEAN it.  Say it SMILING (easier to brush and floss while you’re smiling….). Say it with ENTHUSIASM.  Toss your head with your dazzling smile as you say it, “Men are WONDERFUL!”

And then during the day, give yourself a little challenge.  Stive to NOTICE all the wonderful things men are doing around you.  Keep note of them.  Then at night, go write them down.  Keep a pretty femmy fabulousity journal.  Have a section on “Things I Admire About Men!”  Things for which you are grateful.

Note: Jan 2019 Obviously, I wrote this article back in the San Francisco Bay Area when I was single before getting happily engaged.

Cheers and blessings,

April Braswell
Christian Dating Expert and Singles Conference Workshop Speaker

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Christian Personals and Online Dating Guide

For folk who are Christian and looking for love on line, with my work as a Dating and Relationship Coach when they are looking for a Christian relationship and want to know the best Christian Internet Dating Sites, I wanted to be sure to provide them with a list of resources, which I have recently added to my website and now make available for all of you.


Internet Dating Sites Guide, Online Dating Sites Review

There are Christian, Seventh Day Adventist, and Catholic resources for you.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Christians seeking marriage partners - definitely look online at Christian Internet Dating sites

Any Christian who reads their Bible knows from Genesis that it is God's best and God's intention for us to marry and to marry ANOTHER Christian. But if you are anything like me, indeed, there are not always a lot of other single Christians in your specific church.

In fact, the church to which I belonged about 5 years ago, I used to joke, "Yes! there ARE single Christian men here. TWO of them! and one is my brother!" yes, my biological brother.

What are we to do? Indeed, check out my Internet Dating Sites Guide. Within it I also have a number of Christian Internet Dating sites which I hope will bless you in your quest for love online.

internet dating sites, online dating sites

When you are going to meet, you'll want to be sure to check out some ideas about How to Flirt and Body Language Flirting.

Enjoy and God bless!

April Braswell

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

From your Dating Coach - Great Christian Online Dating Sites

As a Dating and Relationship Coach, of course with a subniche as an Online Dating Coach cause I'm really really good at it, I am frequently asked, "April, what are some good internet dating sites?" and in particular, as a Christian, "what are some good online dating sites for meeting other Christians?"

As an Online Dating workshop leader and internet personals ads writer, I both speak to Christian singles and non-faith specific singles. When you're looking for love, look for faith and values alignment. Christian Online Dating Singles Speaker in Orange County CA.

Well, be sure to check out
Meet Black Single Christians Online now!

When you are searching for a sista or a brotha who is ALSO your brother or sister in the Lord, because your Christian Faith is essential to you, you'll want to be sure to check out

When you meet, you'll want to be sure to leverage my ideas about How to Flirt and Body Language Flirting.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Today Sunday - Remember to Go to Church!

Whatever your Christian denomination, remember to go to Church today and Honor the Lord's Day.

The number of Christian singles who met their spouses via attending church or a church sponsored event makes simple GOING completely worth doing even if today you feel like sleeping in.

Christian Dating Advice, Christian Life Coach in Newport Beach

When you are looking to meet THOUSANDS of Christian Singles, you'll definitely want to post your Christian Internet Dating profile at and then start contacting all those other Christian singles online.

Indeed, you will increase your chances to meet your Christian Soul Mate by going to church and getting out there!

Enjoy and God bless!

April Braswell
Romance Coach, Online Dating Coach

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

What is The Purpose of Christian Online Dating?

The Purpose of Christian Online Dating is ALWAYS to be geared towards looking to marry.

Indeed, Marriage was created by God between Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden in the Book of Genesis. He led the first wedding ceremony.

Now one of the best Christian Internet Dating sites is They have LOADS of single Christians just like you looking to honor the Lord in Christian marriage through Jesus Christ.

If you're a Christian desiring to marry as The Bible models for us, then go post your Online Dating profile here to meet Christian Singles and start dating Christian singles near you!

Christians who are just casually dating to date are out of alignment with God and His purpose.

Indeed, I am great advocate of Dating to BUILD MARRIAGE SKILL SETS like great communication skills. But just to go out and party ain't it.

For some ideas about How to Flirt and Body Language Flirting, you can still do so in ways that honor the Lord. You can learn how to flirt and how to flirt with your body language to display interest and attraction.

Cheers and blessing!

April Braswell

Romance Coach, Online Dating Coach

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Christian Online Dating Tips and Advice

In this blog I will post a lot of ideas about Christians can meet, date, and marry as God so ordained and intended as outlined in Genesis.

Be sure to check back often for Christian Online Dating sites, resources, and tips.

For some ideas about How to Flirt and Body Language Flirting.

Christian Internet Dating Sites is just great fun. Be sure to post a profile and participate in the online message board Christian community. The Christian message board is fabulous. And I know some wonderful Christian couples who met at who are now married.

Now, DO be sure to keep a little bit of an open mind about where he or she is located and let the Lord lead you two to each other.

Enjoy and God bless,

April Braswell
Online Dating Coach, Romance Coach