Tuesday, May 20, 2008

What is The Purpose of Christian Online Dating?

The Purpose of Christian Online Dating is ALWAYS to be geared towards looking to marry.

Indeed, Marriage was created by God between Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden in the Book of Genesis. He led the first wedding ceremony.

Now one of the best Christian Internet Dating sites is BigChurch.com. They have LOADS of single Christians just like you looking to honor the Lord in Christian marriage through Jesus Christ.

If you're a Christian desiring to marry as The Bible models for us, then go post your Online Dating profile here to meet Christian Singles and start dating Christian singles near you!

Christians who are just casually dating to date are out of alignment with God and His purpose.

Indeed, I am great advocate of Dating to BUILD MARRIAGE SKILL SETS like great communication skills. But just to go out and party ain't it.

For some ideas about How to Flirt and Body Language Flirting, you can still do so in ways that honor the Lord. You can learn how to flirt and how to flirt with your body language to display interest and attraction.

Cheers and blessing!

April Braswell

Romance Coach, Online Dating Coach

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Christian Online Dating Tips and Advice

In this blog I will post a lot of ideas about Christians can meet, date, and marry as God so ordained and intended as outlined in Genesis.

Be sure to check back often for Christian Online Dating sites, resources, and tips.

For some ideas about How to Flirt and Body Language Flirting.

Christian Internet Dating Sites

ChristianCafe.com is just great fun. Be sure to post a profile and participate in the online message board Christian community. The Christian message board is fabulous. And I know some wonderful Christian couples who met at ChristianCafe.com who are now married.

Now, DO be sure to keep a little bit of an open mind about where he or she is located and let the Lord lead you two to each other.

Enjoy and God bless,

April Braswell
Online Dating Coach, Romance Coach